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Big blow test (female)

Big blow test (male)

How well does oxygen go into your blood? (male)

How well does oxygen go into your blood? (female)

We would like to acknowledge and thank the Respiratory Medicine Department at the Royal Perth Hospital for creating these Strong Wulyan (Strong Lungs) demo lung function videos and allowing us to share them.

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My art is about the lungs and depicts strong healthy lungs by using colour and willy willy spirits, to show strength from our old people, moving in the wind and travelling the land with ease. As a willy willy is also like a mini tornado which is some strong wind for your lungs.

The top middle blue semi circle with the "U" symbol, is people sitting talking about strong healthy lungs and how they can get the message out to everyone on how to have healthy lungs. Its only half the people starting the message but very important beginnings.

Then it connects and branches into two large spirits of healthy lungs, growing through the lungs nicely. The orange is for earth connection, the green is for growth and the light blue for clean air.

The willy willy spirits inside the lungs swirling around, represent the strongest powerful winds. Which are all a result of the first people yarning about healthy lungs and people listening and learning.

All the concentric circles/waterholes/places surrounding the lungs are the people from many places, all talking to each other, passing the knowledge, of how to have the strongest most powerful lungs too.

The pink colour represents healthy lung cells, which is what we all want.

The small white dots represent all the tiny important connections in your lungs and connections in your body to keep you alive, healthy and very happy.

The wise spirits at the bottom are keepers of healthy lungs and have our lung health in safe hands for many years to come, encouraging our lungs to stay in the clean air. Keeping our lungs healthy (all the light blue dots surrounding the lungs throughout the whole area).

By Nerolie's Art

                     Debarl Yerrigan Health Service Aboriginal Corporation