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Honorary Research Associate



Raewyn Mutch is a specialist paediatrician qualifications in 3 disciplines: (i) General Paediatrics, (ii) Child and Community Paediatrics, and (iii) Respiratory Paediatrics. Raewyn undertakes and provides postgraduate education and research while maintaining 0.6 FTE in a tertiary paediatric health service in Perth, Western Australia (WA).

Raewyn has completed a progressive body of research across Refugee Health, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) and Juvenile Justice (JJ) informing state, national and international best practice and policy for health and justice. She works within multidisciplinary teams nationally and internationally.

Raewyn's clinical leadership includes education, capacity building, research-translation and advocacy for improving paediatric health and juvenile justice, services and policy. She completes collaborative resource development about health and educates about social and cultural safety and determinants, developmental differences, lived-trauma and diagnoses, for and to health professionals and students, legal and judicial professionals, families and communities, state and international universities.

  • Education and Qualifications
  • Awards/Honours
  • Active Collaborations