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Senior Research Fellow

BA, PostGradDip; PhD

Sarah has been at Telethon Kids Institute since 2005 when she commenced her PhD studies. Her research interests and expertise include parent, child and adolescent mental health, social determinants, survey methodology, analysis of linked government administrative data, and program evaluation. Her experience includes being part of the team that planned, implemented and reported results from Young Minds Matter (YMM), the second national survey of child and adolescent mental health, 2013-14.

Sarah is Senior Research Fellow on a major NHMRC funded Synergy grant linking the WA Aboriginal Child Health Survey (WAACHS) conducted in 2000-02 to multiple cross-sectoral government administrative data sets (the ‘WAACHS Data Linkage Study’, 2023-2028). Sarah is working with the multidisciplinary team of Investigators guided by Aboriginal leadership to examine how factors from the early life environment of Aboriginal children have shaped subsequent life trajectories through health, education, child protection and justice systems into young adulthood.

Sarah is also a Research Fellow in the Centre of Excellence for Children and Families over the Life Course ( The Life Course Centre brings together Australian and international researchers who aim to address questions surrounding the transmission of disadvantage within families and across generations.