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Head, Early Neurodevelopment & Mental Health; Healthway WA Senior Research Fellow

BPsych(Hons), MPsych(Clinical), MHealthEcon, PhD (Clin Psych)


Amy is the Head of the Early Neurodevelopment & Mental Health team at the Telethon Kids Institute. Her work focuses on improving positive mental health and developmental outcomes across the early life course.

Amy is particularly passionate about supporting the wellbeing and quality of life of young people with chronic illness and disability.

She has an interest in contemplative science and positive psychology, and has trained internationally to deliver numerous mindfulness- and compassion-based interventions, including the Compassion Cultivation Training program (Stanford University School of Medicine – Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education), the Mindful Self-Compassion Program (UCSD Center for Mindfulness), the Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living Program (European Institute of Mindfulness-Based Approaches) and the Breathworks Mindfulness Program for Stress and Chronic Pain. She also developed the world’s first online self-compassion training program.

Amy also co-leads the Think Big Neurodevelopmental Disorders at the Telethon Kids Institute with Associate Professor Jenny Downs. This program focuses on understanding neurodevelopmental risk and resilience in the first years of life and optimising developmental and mental health outcomes across the lifespan. To develop this innovative and ambitious research program, Amy and Jenny are working with researchers from Telethon Kids’ Disability, FASD and Autism teams and collaborators to establish “ASCEND”: AuStralian Collaboration to Enhance Neuro-Development.