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Research Assistant


Sara is a Research Assistant in the Wellbeing Project, focusing on co-designing a trauma-informed psychosocial intervention to promote mental health recovery in children and young people with Type 1 Diabetes. She holds a Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) with First Class Honours from Curtin University. Her honours research explored Self-Efficacy, Optimism and Psychological Distress in Youth with Chronic Illness, which saw her as a student at Telethon Kids Institute.

Alongside her work at Telethon Kids Institute, Sara works part time at a Psychology & Wellness Clinic as a Clinic Administrator. She is also a Digital Crisis Support Volunteer for Lifeline WA, and volunteers at Red Nose events for bereaved families who have experienced miscarriage, stillbirth and sudden infant death. Sara hopes to complete her Masters in Clinical Psychology, and work as a Clinical Psychologist in the field of perinatal & infant mental health and care.