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David SpaapenAt just six weeks old, David was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis - the most common chronic, life-shortening genetic condition affecting young Australians

For his parents, research offers the hope that things will get better for their little boy.

His mum, Kate, says that she wants to "think about him growing up and having a great future because of all the scientific changes that are happening, and all the research changes that have just happened."

They're grateful for all those who have participated in research trials that have led to findings that have impacted their son, which is why they chose to take part in a research project at Telethon Kids. David's dad says:

“I look at participating in research trials as a responsibility, because that's what people before us have done. The reason why we're in the position we are now is because people before us have done the same thing."


Participating in research has the power to change lives. If you're interested in taking part in future research conducted at Telethon Kids, sign up to be kept in the loop.