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The DPP adopts a governance structure that ensures maximum communication across all levels of the project.

  • The Directors’ General Steering Committee includes the Directors General from all the participating agencies. The Directors’ General Steering Committee directs policy based research, and sets the research agenda. Their job is to decide the priority areas for their agencies, and to direct researchers toward those key areas.
  • The Advisory panel sits below the Directors’ General Steering Committee and provides high level advice and expertise to the researchers. The Advisory panel has members from each of the government departments, as well as the Telethon Kids Institute.
  • The Research Management Group sits below the Advisory Panel and is kept informed of all scientific, research and management issues. This group also has members from each of the government agencies, members from the Telethon Kids Institute, and all the researchers’ involved in the DPP.

At each level of governance there is a consumer and community representative. Consumer representatives help provide direction and advice, from a community perspective and help focus each of the projects on areas of importance to consumers.

The Telethon Kids Institute recognises the central role of consumers and community members in its research.

This project has an established Community and Consumer Reference Group which meets 4 times a year and is chaired by a community member with the help of the Consumer and Community Health Research Network.

Our community reference group provides input into the research priorities, goals, methodologies, questions, and dissemination of results. They are an important stakeholder, providing researchers with ongoing feedback as well as having a role to enable and support the translation of our research findings.